Well That's a First.
I wouldn't say what I'm doing is running. It's more scattered running. Walking, with a chance of. But I bought new sneakers, and most days I'm out there with the ear buds in, and the little socks, and hands-on-hips at intersections. I don't run in place when I have to stop, I just kind of pose there and try to remember not to sing out loud in case someone else walks up.
Yesterday, someone else walked up. I'm guessing it was the track team. About twenty girls, the age girls are, all running in place, most talking and laughing. I secretly reached into my pocket and turned the sound off, so I could eavesdrop in case they were awesome, but mostly they just jogged in place.
The light turned, and they funneled into the crosswalk. I decided it was best to cross during the next rotation, lest I be that guy. (If you ever see a pack of teen girls jogging, and then one jackass dude tagging along, you'll probably say "What's up with that guy?" He's who I don't want to be.)
And then the light turned back, with two girls left on my side of the intersection. From across the street, even though there was a truck coming, one of the faster girls looked back and shouted, "Come on, you pussies!"
One of the girls on my side let her shoulders drop, like I used to when I wasn't running fast enough and someone called me a name. A second before running into traffic with her equally-slow friend, she sighed and said to me, "She doesn't mean you."