And Although they were Natural Enemies, the Wolverine did not eat the Squirrel.

First of all, I looked up "Australian Glider Squirrel" on Google, just to make sure they were real, and they are (I bet Cheney was all "wtf?"). They're sort of tiny koala-ish, and have little Ewok hands, and probably shouldn't be fed after midnight. That's what they look like.
To backtrack: I'm in one of my comic stores a couple days ago (a person should have more than one comic store; you never know where you're going to be when you need comics), and the Wolverine Guy there had this weird buzzing under his sweatshirt.
Wolverine Guy: The guy at my nearest comic store, who has Wolverine claw sheath holster things tattooed on the tops of his hands. He also has enormous muttonchop sideburns and wingy hair. He rocks and has probably never ever smoked weed (nudge).
He rings me up, and the entire time his sweatshirt is buzzing, and he pretends it's not happening. It was loud, sort of like speaker feedback. Wolverine Guy doesn't strike me as the easily-embarrassed type, so I asked what the buzzing was, even though I knew it could possibly be his defibrillator or pacemaker or maybe some kind of Trekkie bullshit.
And as casually as if I'd just asked him where he got his sweatshirt, he said "It's my Australian Glider."
I didn't know what that was. I said, "I don't know what that is."
So he told me. An Australian Glider, according to him, is the down-under version of our flying squirrels, only in Australia, a flying squirrel is a marsupial, like an opossum, and since it was just a pup, it needed to be in a pouch near a warm body.
Wolverine Guy unzips his sweatshirt, and he's got this hemp bag, all beaded and feathered and leather-stringed around his neck, and there's a tiny lump in the center. He asks me to feel it, which is weird, but I do, and I think I'm being conned, and he can tell. So W.G. holds the bag out perpendicular to his body by the corners and says "hold out your hand".
I did. You would have done the same. There was definitely something alive in that pouch. It was warm, and tiny, and it moved around some, and for a second it held my finger through the hemp. I kind of laughed and said "huh, cool," even though inside, I was quite clearly saying "AAAAAAGGHHHHH! FLYING SQUIRREL!"
You know he's gonna fall asleep and roll over on that squirrel, right? Just trying to prepare you. I'm going for comics tomorrow, and I might come back with bad news. I'm just saying.
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