So it wasn't just Running, it was Hurdling

The weather's nice enough here that I could go for a run, which makes me happy. January 2nd isn't ordinarily a time of year I can go out in shorts (okay, and a sock-cap). Last night, though, was a different story. Severe thunderstorms; the dog barked himself hoarse, and at one point I made sure I had shoes handy (in case of? Yeah, I don't know either.)
(Wait, no, now I remember: in case I need to outrun a twister. Duh.)
Anyway, now it's morning, and it's Monday, and the resolutions are in effect, so...running. The dog's still asleep. All over the walk outside my place are empty Red Bull cans, loser scratch-off tickets, and used condoms.
I swear to you, reader, those are not my scratch-off tickets.
Any chance we can see "the dog?"
3:04 PM
He's up there now. His name is Bandit, and he's either a Cairn Terrier, or he's of the same mutt variety as Benji.
He sleeps about 18 hours a day, hates thunder, and likes to sit on the couch and be friends.
10:32 PM
Oh my GOODNESS! He's a winner! How long have you had him?
8:39 PM
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